Последние новости
Стали известны даты выступлений группы Blackmore's Night в Украине и России.  15.06.2013 -...
На свет появился сын Ричи и Кэндис – Рори Дартаньян. Рори – второй ребенок пары. По словам Кэндис,...
Статьи о Ричи
Начать стоит с того, что Ричи, не умея водить машину до 39 лет, все-таки имел несколько автомобилей...
Ближайшие концерты

15.06.2013 - Национальный дворец искусств "Украина", Киев 

18.06.2013 - "Крокус Сити Холл", Москва 

20.06.2013 - БКЗ "Октябрьский", Санкт-Петербургa

3 Black Crows

3 black crows were sitting on a fence

Watching the world pass them by

Laughing at humanity and its pretense

Wondering where next to fly...

*And they cackled in joy and dove through the air

Like the winds of a hurricaine

And they spread their wings as if to declare

"Onward, let freedom ring!"

3 black crows were sitting on a fence

Watching the world pass them by

3 black crows are sitting in a tree

Looking down on mankind

Loving how it feels to be so free

Leaving us far behind...

*And they cackled in joy and dove through the air

Like the winds of a hurricaine

And they spread their wings as if to declare

"Onward, let freedom ring!"

3 black crows are sitting in a tree

Watching the world pass them by

*And they cackled in joy and dove through the air

Like the winds of a hurricaine

And they spread their wings as if to declare

"Onward, let freedom ring!"


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