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18.06.2013 - "Крокус Сити Холл", Москва 

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Far Far Away

She passes the days one after the other

She never sees, she never hears

Counting the hours, her life is a rerun

A series of failures rolled into one.

When she was young she looked towards the future

Eyes full of promise, a heart filled with joy

How had her road twisted so harshly

Can these two women be one and the same?

Once she dreamed of romance

Once she imagined she lived in a castle

Once she held the world in her hands

Once was a long time ago,

Far far away.

How her mind aches, her life's been a hard one

Filled with such sorrow, no girl should know

How her heart aches, she's loves and she's lost

Some say its better, but she disagrees...

Once she dreamed of romance

Once she imagined she lived in a castle

Once she held the world in her hands,

Once was a long time ago,

Far far away-when she was young

she looked towards the future

Eyes full of promise, a heart filled with joy

How had her road twisted so harshly

Can these two women be one and the same?

She passes the days one after the other...

Looking for answers

Far far away

Far far away

Far far away

Far far away

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